Postdoctoral fellows
The Rout lab is always seeking motivated postdoctoral trainees with interests in cell biology, biochemistry, structural biology and interactomics. Please email Mike directly with a short description of your scientific experiences, your curricula vitae, and a brief indication of why you are interested and excited to pursue your postdoctoral training with us.

Graduate students
The Rout lab is associated with 3 graduate programs:
- The David Rockefeller Graduate Program
- The Tri-Institutional MD/PhD Program
- The Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology PhD Program
The lab is always welcoming students interested in pursuing their graduate training in cellular and structural biology. Current students in one of the associated programs pursuing a lab rotation should contact Mike directly.
External trainees
The lab welcomes external trainees interested in pursuing methods/technical training. Lab heads please contact Mike directly for inquiries.

Research assistants
Post-baccalaureate students interested in working in the lab on a full-time basis after graduation should contact Mike directly with a curricula vitae or resume.
Summer undergraduate positions
Summer undergraduate students are encouraged to apply to The Rockefeller Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program through which undergraduate positions are supported.